LMU writer’s Joan Didion tribute draws big crowd at Vroman’s

Share: A showing of around fifty individuals gathered at Vroman’s Bookstore to listen to writer and professor, Evelyn McDonnell, read from different passages from her latest book release, ‘The World According to Joan Didion’, highlighting distinct events throughout Didion’s life.  Evelyn McDonnell is Loyola Marymount’s Director of Journalism and a versatile writer, similar to Didion’s versatility, in which both of their careers consist/ed of journalism, various essays, screenwriting, and noveling. McDonnell channeled her gift and passion for writing into a novel honoring the iconic journalist, …

Artwater Life’s fifth Five Dollar Art Party is ‘like an artistic Jurassic Park’

Share: An MC that goes by the name Destruct illustrates how stunningly every vendor stand and piece of artwork is set up throughout the large park that is not only full of beautiful green scenery everywhere you turn, but it was additionally full of many people that attended the event to see the numerous forms of art that they could also interact with. “Shoutout to all the artists and vendors in this building, I love this man. It’s like an artistic Jurassic Park. This shit …

Pasadena Humane Society unleashes furry friends at adoption event

Share: Tail-wagging, energy-fueled pups, dressed in bandanas and tutus were given the opportunity to experience a new environment and showcase their personalities to potential adopters at the pop-up event pet adoption hosted by the Pasadena Humane Society and the Integrity College of Health.  Some of the dogs were a bit hostile as they interacted with new faces, but other dogs were full of excitement to meet new people.  These organized events are created as a way to allow shelter dogs a chance to get out …

Pride center platforms trans voices with ‘Monica’ screening

Share: The sun sets at Pasadena City College on a Thursday evening. At the R building, in room R122, a special screening of the film “Monica” was shown to students. The film’s theme sets on a sensitive topic that students on campus, along with America as a whole, are wrestling with the transgender experience. “It really explores the experience that many people of trans experience go through,” Bryce Simon, resource advocate for Pride Center said about the event. “This is a film that really speaks …

Octavia’s Bookshelf saves space for new stories

Share: A few months after her move to Los Angeles, writer Hannah V. Sawyerr stopped by Octavia’s Bookshelf to ask owner Nikki High if she would consider hosting the release of her debut novel, “All The Fighting Parts”. Nikki warned her she had a lot of events lined up, but asked for the date anyway. The day of Hannah’s book release was Nikki’s one free day and it all happened to be her birthday. “The reason why I opened this bookstore is because it’s so …

Help Wanted: PCC’s search for Lance O’ Lot’s entourage

Share: Lance O’ Lot is here to stay! In March 2023, PCC introduced its new mascot, Lance O’ Lot, bidding farewell to the retired Larry the Lancer. While Lance O’ Lot remained somewhat elusive, a recent job posting indicates that we’ll be seeing a lot more of him. PCC posted on their Instagram, last week advertising tryouts to be Lance O’ Lot, a paid position. While only one person will fill the role of Lance O’ Lot, PCC is looking for extra help with all …

Local movement sprouts up to protect endangered black walnut tree

Share: Up the tidy dirt path lined with laurel sumac and bush sunflowers that still bore a few yellow blossoms, two human-sized Mexican free-tailed bats in purple satin capes held aloft a painted paper whale skeleton and led a small parade. Accompanied by cetacean song amplified from a portable speaker, the procession of Eastside neighbors, city nature fans, land use activists, and children in paper bat masks marched up the path to the Ascot Hills Park Amphitheater in observation of the second annual Black Walnut …

Poetry fans eat up Poe at Prose Bowl

Share: Poet Olivia Gatwood got her start at the New Mexico State Fair in Albuquerque. She had just started doing spoken word, but found herself competing with pony rides and pig races for audience attention. “I was in this like little place with chairs, and it was just my parents and a drunk guy, and a ton of empty chairs and it smelled like funnel cake and horse manure,” she said. “And I did my little poem and I left. They gave me 25 bucks, …

En garde: Lunge into PCC’s fencing club

Share: Coach Daryl Taylor provides swift demonstrations for a dozen students on the proper techniques of fencing. After the demonstration, it becomes the students’ turn to replicate these moves with strength and agility.  These students are members of PCC’s very own fencing club named Salle Lancier Fencing Club.  Vice president Catherine Rivera became a part of fencing last year in the Beginning Fencing class. From there, she joined the club after having heard about it.  Rivera spoke on how fencing benefits her.  “I’m not really …

Beam me up: AlienCon attendees encounter otherworldly experiences

Share: Dressed up as little green men and stormtroopers, humans ages 0 to 100 gathered in the Pasadena Convention Center to share a collective fascination for all things extraterrestrial. There are several people who claim to have seen aliens up in the sky or theorize how these creatures could potentially look like. AlienCon is for those with an interest beyond fictional space conflicts.  Held in the Pasadena Convention Center, AlienCon opened its doors to thousands of fans on March 4 and 5. Many discussions were …