Lions and Lance O’Lot bust a move as PCC celebrates Lunar New Year

Share: The trees in the quad were decorated head to toe with bright red banners and ornaments the first week of the new semester at PCC. Tables run by various student volunteers offered different activities for people to participate in, such as learning calligraphy, Chinese paper cutting, a build-your-own paper lantern station, and gift bags filled with treats for people to take home and celebrate the Lunar New Year. Celebrated in many Asian countries as well as Asian diaspora around the world, this day represents …

Netflix Avatarnishes new adaptation

Share: Netflix’s “Avatar: The Last Airbender” remake feels like a very genuine love letter written with largely inaccurate information about the recipient. It’s really difficult to fully hate this show when it’s clear so many people tried to make something truly special. From the cast’s infectious enthusiasm in the promotional material to the emphasis on staying respectful to the various real cultures the world of “Avatar” takes influence from, it’s a shame it was all in service to a result so painfully mediocre.  The notion …

Sustainability Club plants a seed for carbon neutral campus

Share: The quad was overflowing with life last week at PCC, as student after student stopped by a small collection of tables containing the necessary ingredients for creating their very own piece of plant life courtesy of the Environmental Sustainability club. A combination of club leaders and members provided students with a variety of different seeds along with the soil, pots, and even a watering can to give their new plant its first taste of hydration. “It’s really just getting your personal self involved, you …

Mens basketball loses back-to-back games in Skip Robinson Tournament

Share: The air was thick with competition Thursday evening in the Hugo Patterson Gym at PCC as the Lancers awaited their turn in the 6th annual Skip Robinson Tournament.  Following a tense finale to a very close match between Antelope Valley College and Santiago Canyon that even left the teams waiting captivated, the Lancers were ready for their moment to prove themselves on their home court. Unfortunately for them, tonight was not their night as Chabot’s Gladiators dominated the PCC court and emerged victorious with …

David Fincher’s most introspective movie reveals his inner assassin

Share: In David Fincher’s latest, he proves how valuable his filmmaking experience is for an ostensibly simple and straightforward story. “The Killer” feels like Fincher’s most introspective film in years; examining the POV of a conscientious perfectionist through the lens of a nihilistic hit-man. Notorious for his painstaking attention to detail, as seen with his penchant for an excessive number of takes, no other protagonist of his has felt as self-reflective as the titular “Killer.” Fincher reteams with writer Andrew Kevin Walker, whom he previously …

Communication overload: Why counseling appointments are so hard to get

Share: PCC is known for providing an extensive list of resources to its students, one of which is the counseling services, however, students’ frustrations regarding counselor availability highlight an underlying issue in the way information is disseminated throughout campus..  As a public college, most of its funding comes from the state, which provides the general fund for the school as well as the various programs and services offered. The counseling services are not currently facing any funding shortfalls, according to dean of counseling Armando Duran …

BLOTTER: PCC police respond to alleged bonfire

Share: Monday, October 23, 2023 6:39 a.m.: Officers advised a person sleeping in front of the IT building restrooms to leave the area. 6:52 a.m.: Officers advised a person to leave the east side of the CEC campus. 11:01 a.m.: A student injured her leg on campus and was transported to a hospital in an ambulance. 2:50 p.m.: A student reported her car was hit in lot 4. 3:43 p.m.: Staff reported that a physical altercation was taking place in the mirror pools. The people …

Stodgy old Hollywood can’t keep up with its young audience

Share: While the AMPTP and its studios have reached an agreement with the Writers Guild of America (WGA), their fight to keep the actors under their thumb rages on. The LA Times released data from a poll which found that the majority of Americans side with the workers on strike. With 34% in favor of actors and 7% with the studios, the remaining 59% is split between people sympathetic to both sides (29%) and people with no opinion(30%). The same poll also found 51% of …

Media overload has shattered kids’ attention spans

Share: While the average attention span feels like it’s never been shorter, one overlooked factor has been the difference in technological advancements from generation to generation. The current generation is always unfairly maligned by the previous for not displaying enough of the same positive virtues they remember through their rose-tinted spectacles. The time when the library was the best place to go for research is over as access to whatever information you want fits conveniently in your pocket. The increasingly shorter attention spans of Millennials …

NO FAKES Act will protect artists from being swindled by AI

Share: The last few years have been rife with conflict and staggering developments in artificial intelligence technology. Two subjects that seem to go together hand in hand far more often than not, especially of late. From the horrific wars decimating Ukraine and Palestine, to the now months long disputes in Hollywood between the studios and their workforce, AI still manages to rear its ominous head, highlighting the chilling implications that come with such effective yet powerful technology.  Following the studios’ petulant decision to walk away …