Episode 2: Oscars 2024

Share: After The Courier took home awards this past Saturday, host David is joined by co-video editor Dante and staff writer Gabriel to discuss this year’s Oscars ceremony. Topics include Oppenheimer sweeping with a whopping seven wins, Jonathan Glazer’s speech, and why Crash is one of the worst Best Picture winners in history. The audio version will be published soon.   YouTube:   Follow:

‘The Iron Claw’ delivers a takedown that pulls on your heartstrings

Share: In a time when celebrities were normally found in Hollywood, a particularly famous wrestling family thrived in Texas as world champions of the ring. Even when they were on top of the world, the Von Erich family were believed to have been cursed. Their “curse” is rooted in the entrapments of toxic masculinity that the Von Erich brothers inevitably faced. “The Iron Claw,” the recent film directed by Sean Durkin tells the tragic true story of the Von Erich brothers who climbed to success …

PCC’s Anti-War Club takes to the streets, demands ceasefire

Share: As conflict continues between Israel and Palestine, causing PCC students, led by the Anti-War Club, to take action to the streets of Pasadena City Hall. On Saturday, December 9th, PCC’s Anti-War Club worked in conjunction with Tempest Collective, an organization aimed to educate those unaware of global issues. Members from Tempest Collective began their teach-in by remarking that their objective is to aid this movement, not perceiving opinions.  PCC Geography professor Hector Agredano commented on the significance of speaking out and hosting the teach-in. …

PCC answers the question of art-ificial intelligence

Share: A hole has been left deep inside all creativity and our ability to be inventive with our own hands and as such artists have been replaced by “prompt artists” or websites. Hence, they spread like poison which drains any potential of authentic work from being shared with the world. This poison is artificial intelligence and for the past year, it has been expanding itself across all mediums such as tampering in artwork and the entertainment industry.  Pasadena City College’s Visual Arts and Media Studies …

Do campus attempts to stifle protest violate the 1st Amendment?

Share: Colleges around the country have been dealing with increasing risks for students due to the ongoing war in the Middle East, while some have banned protesting altogether citing students safety, PCC vowed to protect free speech as it is staying vigilant. “PCC safety personnel are aware of the need for increased awareness during this time of international conflict,” PCC spokesperson Alex Boekelhide said in an email. “There have been no changes to PCC Police policies or procedures, and the college will adapt its approach …

Webheads unite! ‘Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’ swings to new heights 

Share: In the large city of New York, players can web swing and feel how rapidly they can move along skyscrapers and bridges as Spider-Man. As you freefall from the skies, crime is at every corner for you to intervene and rescue those in need by delivering them to safety. With the support of your tech savvy best friend Ganke Lee and investigative journalist Mary Jane Watson, uncovering crime feels like a breeze. From numerous famous Spidey suits and combat gadgets at the palm of …

Lancers treasure 17-3 victory over Corsairs

Share: Following a series of mostly victories this semester, the Lancers were able to secure the win in their last game on Oct. 14th. Through a long intense match they achieved a strong victory against Santa Monica Community College.  Looking through their statistics from this season so far , the Lancers were on top getting all wins up until their game on Sept. 30th which they lost by 10 points. However, they turned the tide on their Oct. 14th game which proved to be the …

Directors deserve a final say on their films (if there’s something new to say)

Share: With many movies emerging from a 90-minute runtime to a 2-hour runtime, it has become a modernized form of cinematic storytelling for some film directors to release “director’s cuts” of their movies. Their films are typically released with a shorter runtime due to many possible reasons spanning from budget cuts and studio executives’ interventions. A director’s cut of a film should only be absolutely released if it is necessary and serves a purpose for the director and their circumstances. Ridley Scott, known for directing …

‘No sabo kids’: A generation of Latinos shamed by native Spanish speakers

Share: In everyday life for Latino kids right now, they balance with the struggle of either being rejected from their families or Latino communities for not speaking Spanish well. On the other hand, it has been an issue for years in this country, especially in the 90s, that Latino students were discriminated against just for speaking their own language during school. Many of these Latino children in current times struggle with understanding Spanish due to many contributing factors such as unacceptance from others, the struggle …

Artwater Life’s fifth Five Dollar Art Party is ‘like an artistic Jurassic Park’

Share: An MC that goes by the name Destruct illustrates how stunningly every vendor stand and piece of artwork is set up throughout the large park that is not only full of beautiful green scenery everywhere you turn, but it was additionally full of many people that attended the event to see the numerous forms of art that they could also interact with. “Shoutout to all the artists and vendors in this building, I love this man. It’s like an artistic Jurassic Park. This shit …