The Roman Empire still reigns supreme on social media

Share: How often do you think about the Roman Empire? For me personally, before August 2023, I hadn’t thought about the Roman Empire since my 8th grade history class. In the ever-evolving landscape of pop culture, trends come and go, but some manage to stand the test of time. One such phenomenon has recently taken social media by storm – the “Roman Empire” trend.  The trend’s roots lie in the initial question: “How much do you think about the Roman Empire?”  As women probed the …

Back on the bus: PCC students return to public transportation

Share: With high gas prices holding steady, the prospect of public transportation has never seemed more attractive for locals.  The financial burden of simply filling up a gas tank has become an increasing concern for many Angelenos, leading to a resurgence in interest in public transit.  Students here at PCC have reported a growing reliance on public transportation as a cost-effective alternative to fueling their own vehicles, while commuters find that taking the bus or metro can help them save not only money but also …

BLOTTER: Alleged samurai reported on campus

Share: Monday, October 30th, 2023: 9:46 a.m.: Multiple students reported a male attempting to speak to them as they were entering the L-Building.  11:54 a.m.: CDC staff reported a male was acting erratic near Lot 11 and jumped over a wall into 151 S Hill Ave. Pasadena Police were contacted by PCCPD.  12:29 p.m.: Staff member was transported to the Health Center after falling inside the CC building and injuring their head.  5:01 p.m.: Area check was conducted for a male who approached a female …

Friday the 13th brings bad luck and good deals

Share: Friday the 13th has long been considered an ominous and spooky date, filled with anxieties about bad luck and misfortune. This superstitious paranoia, known as “paraskevidekatriaphobia,”  is deeply rooted in history as old as time. As we approach spooky season, let’s get into the origins of Friday the 13th’s fascinating mix of myths, legends, and cultural beliefs.  One theory traces the fear of this day back to ancient Norse mythology. In Norse folklore, it is believed that 12 gods were having a dinner party …

BLOTTER: Don’t spray paint your bike in the shower

Share: Monday, October 2nd, 2023:  8:03 a.m.: Transient reported in the Quad covered in a blue tarp.  10:19 a.m.: Staff reported a student received threatening text messages indicating she was being followed while on campus. 11:28 a.m.: Staff reported a male seen spray painting a bicycle inside of a shower stall in the GM-building mens locker room.  4:28 p.m.:  Facilities reported a transient loitering inside the GM-building mens locker room. Officials were unable to locate.  Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023: 1:24 p.m.:. A Staff member reported …

Stay in your lane: PCC reminds students to stay away from staff lots

Share: PCC has unveiled a new set of rules in its parking regulations to ensure staff and students are parking where they should be in an email in late september.  This email introduces changes to its preexisting parking rules and the email seems to show distinction between where staff and students are allowed to park.  Effective immediately, the updated rules state that student workers and professional experts will no longer be able to park in any staff-designated parking lots at any time. Violators of this …

Enrollment at PCC inches closer to pre-COVID numbers

Share: As the fall semester begins PCC’s enrollment numbers continue to incrementally improve, as pandemic fears subside and more people return to in-person education. PCC is doing their part to increase enrollment with new initiatives and programs for incoming and transfer students. Spring 2023 was the first time PCC had seen an increase in enrollment since prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. While PCC is not yet up to the Fall 2018 enrollment number of 30,995, the numbers are steadily increasing.  Compared to …

Help Wanted: PCC’s search for Lance O’ Lot’s entourage

Share: Lance O’ Lot is here to stay! In March 2023, PCC introduced its new mascot, Lance O’ Lot, bidding farewell to the retired Larry the Lancer. While Lance O’ Lot remained somewhat elusive, a recent job posting indicates that we’ll be seeing a lot more of him. PCC posted on their Instagram, last week advertising tryouts to be Lance O’ Lot, a paid position. While only one person will fill the role of Lance O’ Lot, PCC is looking for extra help with all …

Does journalism really need a full-time Taylor Swift reporter?

Share: After years of being at the top of pop charts and the center of the public’s collective attention, Taylor Swift has finally garnered enough focus to require her own reporter. Gannett, one of America’s largest newspaper chains, recently put out a listing for a full-time reporter to cover all of Swift’s moves. After a long search, Johnny Oleksinski, a reporter for the New York Post, was chosen for the ever-so-sought-after job. He returned to the New York Post to write about the reality of …

From farmers to fleas, the markets of Los Angeles

Share: It’s a busy Thursday night in South Pasadena. There’s music playing, and tons of families having picnics in the park. On the corner, a man is playing his African hand drum for the passersby. For the shoppers at the South Pasadena Farmers Market though, this is just a typical Thursday. The market happens every Thursday on Meridian Avenue from 4-8 P.M. With free admission and over 50 vendors it’s no surprise that this is a crowd favorite for people of all ages and walks …