Lancer Radio channels spirits of the dearly departed

Share: A colorful and wonderfully decorated Dia de los Muertos altar at the front of the room presented itself as a stage for the dearly departed and celebrities like the beloved Selena Quintanilla. Candles, ornamented skulls and bright flowers adorned the altar. Disney’s “Coco” was projected on two screens while traditional Mexican music filled the room. Tamales, conchas and hot chocolate made the perfect trio for playing Loteria with fellow peers.  Follow:

Student Services revises accounting practices after misuse of public funds

Share: PCC’s Student Services division is reinforcing policy after an internal audit identified misuse of public funds under the guidance of Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistant Team (FCMAT) financial policies, a California organization involved in public education funding, according to the Associated Student’s (AS) board meeting on Oct. 23. Follow:

Markle takes the fight directly to the toxic British tabloids

Share: An interview on Oct. 18 with Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, for the ITV documentary “Harry and Meghan: An African Journey” revealed how being subjected to scrutiny from British tabloids has taken a debilitating toll on her mental health. Markle has faced a long and arduous struggle against the British press despite only marrying into the royal family in 2018. From mom-shaming to completely invading the Duchess’ privacy, it is no wonder that the blatant immorality and lack of integrity of British tabloids caused …

King Taeyeon returns to rule the industry

Share: The king has finally returned after two years with her second studio album “Purpose,” once again proving that idols don’t have to have a short lived career. Throughout this ten track album, Taeyeon bares her soul through her voice, serenading with ballads and delivering a powerful performance about finding her purpose through singing. Known in the industry as the best female vocalist, Taeyeon fully lives up to that crown in this album. Follow: