Lancer Radio channels spirits of the dearly departed

Share: A colorful and wonderfully decorated Dia de los Muertos altar at the front of the room presented itself as a stage for the dearly departed and celebrities like the beloved Selena Quintanilla. Candles, ornamented skulls and bright flowers adorned the altar. Disney’s “Coco” was projected on two screens while traditional Mexican music filled the room. Tamales, conchas and hot chocolate made the perfect trio for playing Loteria with fellow peers.  Follow:

Student Services revises accounting practices after misuse of public funds

Share: PCC’s Student Services division is reinforcing policy after an internal audit identified misuse of public funds under the guidance of Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistant Team (FCMAT) financial policies, a California organization involved in public education funding, according to the Associated Student’s (AS) board meeting on Oct. 23. Follow:

How the writing center gave voice to an artist

Share: The crisp February morning fog settled in as Baylie Raddon, an english major at Pasadena City College, began preparing for the long day ahead. Thirty miles stood between Pasadena and her house in Rancho Cucamonga. It should have been a forty minute commute but the 210 freeway was in a traffic jam, as expected. It was the beginning of the 2019 Spring semester and everyone was scrambling to find their place.  Follow: