Oregon’s decriminalization tactics failed its people and now it’s too late to fix

Share: After becoming the first state in the nation to decriminalize drugs, the governor of Oregon has signed a bill to reimplement jail time for possession of small amounts of drugs that are used for personal use. The bill was signed after an increase in deaths caused by overdose. Oregon truly never had a real grasp on how to manage a decriminalized drug climate, as they didn’t give enough time to let change happen, they failed in training police in their role of addressing addiction, …

Blotter: Man OD’s in Shatford Library

Share: Monday, February 24: There was a two-vehicle traffic collision on Bonnie Ave, east of Lot 5 A student injured her ankle and requested transport to the Health Center from IT-200 A male transient was using the shower in the W building men’s locker room. He was escorted off of campus.  A transient possibly exposed himself at the Carl’s Jr. on Colorado Blvd. Reporting party stated they were involved in a verbal altercation in the quad.  Library staff requested an officer for emergency assistance in …