Going green: a concept businesses can’t quite get the hang of

Share: Celebrities and social media stars are not the only ones abusing beauty-enhancing filters to escape imperfections–big companies have created eco-friendly filters to avoid their own flaws. This filter is better known as greenwashing. Organizations choose to spend more money on upholding their environmentally friendly status than making it a reality.  Greenwashing is a very harmful and lazy business tactic that will only create more damage to our planet. Real change to protect the planet and those in it is being delayed in exchange for …

Houston, we have snow problems

Share: Winter clutched Texas with a frigid steel grip, digging its arctic talons into the state’s power infrastructures. Its wrath cast a permafrost over the residents’ already deepening electricity supply crisis. The arctic rampage crept up upon Texas’s water mains and pipes by freezing them solid or ruptured into oblivion. Millions of Texans were forced to deal with loss of power and heat as well as the fear of a severed water supply. Follow:

Climate change: Take angry action as a whole

Share: For as long as humankind has been around on this earth, we have done nothing but damage to it. We claim we are the smartest species on this planet but it does not seem that way. Our earth is dying, yet many still do not believe that climate change is real.The conditions of our air, water and land are changing drastically each day and action must be taken before it is too late. We can still turn things around, together.  Follow:

Global warming is here and it’s real

Share: Something Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico all have in common is the devastating destruction left by hurricanes that occurred in the last few months. Something Northern California and Southern California have in common are the hundreds of acres lost and burned to ashes because of the wildfires that broke out in the last few months. Something we as a country should have paid more attention to was the reason why Hurricane Sandy had such a massive impact back in 2012. A little under five …