Share: Sitting on the grass outside of the newly minted Jack Scott building, two students Azul Ortega and Lilian Petrosian discuss anything and everything under the sun. When the conversation eventually turned to meme culture, their eyes lit up like the sun in the sky as they immediately jumped into their favorite memes over the last few years. Memes have ingrained themselves into internet culture for years now, dominating Twitter replies, and have become the universal problem solver to boot. The term “meme” can extend …
Discord server brings harmony to online class
Share: Now that the quarantine has closed the PCC campuses for almost a month, students have been itching to find ways to communicate with each other outside of online conference classes. A group of students have found a solution, through the form of Discord. Discord is a social networking app that was originally designed for gamers, where members can chat through audio, video, and text. Over 60 students have congregated within the Center for the Arts Simulator (CAS), originally set up by student Justin Gonzales, …
Pasadena City College and the freaky Facebook page
Share: Much like my life during Spring Break, the PCC Book Sale Facebook group has spiraled out of control. Follow: