Strong opposition to the process by which the new three-semester calendar was adopted was expressed in a survey of faculty by the Academic Senate.
Upcoming Events
Share: Friday University Rep. General Transfer Advisor- 9:00AM, L110 Campus Tour- PCC Student Ambassador Program walking tour of campus for prospective students. 11:00AM, 1:00PM, 3:00PM Percussion Ensemble Concert- 7:00, The Forum (North side of Building UU) Saturday Mens/Womens Cross Country at CCCAA State Championships Gospel Choir Concert- 8:00PM, Sexson Auditorium (Tickets sold at door) Chinese Music Ensemble- 8:00PM, Haberson Hall Sunday  Lancer Vocal Jazz Ensemble- 4:00, Haberson Hall Monday PCC Day- John Muir High School Lunch and Learn- 11:30AM, John Muir High School UC and …
Racial gap in grades revealed
Share: Information presented at the Oct. 22 Academic Senate meeting shows a racial gap in academic performance amongst students. Hispanic and black students made up almost 45 percent of the student body in 2011, and almost 25 percent of all failing grades. Follow:
Death penalty wastes valuable time and money
Share: California’s death row process is costing taxpayers millions of dollars each year. With an average time between sentencing and execution of 25 years, Proposition 34 could save Californians a significant amount of time and money. Follow:
Women’s soccer ties after mid-field battle
Share: The women’s soccer team ended a combative mid-field game against East Los Angeles College in a tie Friday. Both teams played aggressive offense and defense, ending the game with a score of 1-1. Follow:
Women’s soccer fights it out for a win
The women’s soccer team pulled off an impressive win Friday against Los Angeles Valley College after a strong and aggressive offensive game, staying strong even until the end with a final score of 5-1.
New calendar increases student access
Share: Many object to the new calendar adopted by the Board of Trustees that eliminated winter session. With the massive amounts of budget cuts across the state and the questionable future of Proposition 30, changes need to be made now to ensure a future for PCC. Follow:
New budget reduces spending $7 million
A new budget for the 2012-13 fiscal year that reflects a cut of almost 600 class sections and reduces spending by nearly $7-million was approved by the Board of Trustees Sept. 5.
Board votes to eliminate winter intersession
Share: Winter session was eliminated on Aug. 29 when the Board of Trustees adopted a tentative three-semester calendar for the 2012-13 academic year. Follow:
Drastic budget cuts considered by Board
Job cuts, elimination of winter intersession and mandatory furloughs were discussed by the Board of Trustees on Wednesday as options for reducing expenditures by $10.5 million in the 2012-13 fiscal year. The options for drastic budget cuts were presented in a report from an ad-hoc subcommittee of the Board.