Black History Month celebrations flourish despite pandemic

Share: Students sit in a Zoom waiting room, anticipating the Show Your Grit event to begin. They arrive little by little, each entrance announced with a pleasant jingle on their computer screens, instead of the greetings of hello that they might be accustomed to. Although the occasion was shared through computer screens, the triumph of black heritage between the students and staff shone through. Follow:

Poet Luivette Resto: ‘My existence right now is a political expression’

Share: Laughter from the audience mixed in with the soothing voice of poet Luivette Resto. Her words, at times angry and biting, like when she reads a poem about an idiotic coworker, capture the audience more than once.  Standing at a podium, Resto presents her thoughts in an organized anecdotal manner that speak to an audience that ranged in age while also sprinkling her poems in between. Follow: