Share: COVID-19 isn’t going to disappear by May 15, so why would we reopen the largest populated county in the country during this pandemic? If we extend the ‘Safer-at-home’ act and follow all of its protocols we will all be able to go back to our normal world with a greater sense of safety and a greater appreciation of the precautions the county took to protect us. LA County alone is responsible for more than half the cases in California, so it shouldn’t be a …
Haircuts can kill: America not ready to reopen
Share: Is getting a haircut, or a few hours of fun in an amusement park, really more important than saving lives? Protests against the COVID-19 ‘safer at home’ orders have spread across the nation, and the concerns expressed couldn’t be more disingenuous and outrageous. These protestors claim they are exercising their First Amendment right, which allows them to voice their demands like reopening amusement parks and other superficial places like hair salons. This is a terrible move on the part of the protestors. The only …
Keep yourself in and the virus out
Share: People are still not taking the government’s Safer at Home orders seriously. Teenagers in Miami are prioritizing their spring break over taking precautions for the virus, but of course, the virus only affects old people, and we young people are free to party without worry, right? Follow:
A UBI plan is as welcome as IBS, no thank you.
Share: Universal basic income [UBI] is a temporary bandage for a hemorrhaging economy clinging to life support with no relief in sight. Policy makers both nationally and in CA are considering the UBI put forth by former presidential candidate Andrew Yang. This measure would attempt to counter the growing number of unemployed residents who have lost jobs that are considered non-essential due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Policy makers have a habit of ban-waggoning as seen with CA now introducing a bill that would provide an …
What oil war? Why California doesn’t care
Share: With California being the top consumer of fuel additives, which helps maintain the highest standards for fuel emissions, California, logically, would be expected to be hit hard by the recent oil war between Saudi Arabia and Russia. That’s simply not the case though, and Californian residents should rest easy, knowing the two bickering nations will have no effect on their next trip to get gas. Follow:
Proposition 13 costs too much for so little
Share: 42 percent of a $26 billion bond measure is way too much to pay in interest. That’s the real story behind the new (but not really improved) Proposition 13, the education bond measure on the March 3 ballot. Anyone familiar with the original Proposition 13, which was passed in 1978 will not recognize this one which, if passed, would stick California voters with a huge bill over the next 35 years. This year’s Proposition 13 will not be paid for with proposition taxes as …
Pay athletes for sacrificing ‘brains and bodies’
Share: On Sept. 30, the Governor of California Gavin Newsom, signed the Fair Pay to Play Act, which initiated a movement to have college athletes be able to make money off of their name and make endorsement deals. Follow:
Kudos to Gavin Newsom!
Share: On March 13th, the recently elected Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order establishing a moratorium on the death penalty in California, and hopefully soon more states will follow suit. Follow:
The causes of California’s deadliest wildfire are not surprising
Share: Three wildfires sprung in northern and southern California on Nov. 8, burning up to 240,000 acres of land and taking the lives of around 80 people. The Camp Fire, the most catastrophic of the three, and the Woolsey Fire are still ongoing and are projected to be contained in the upcoming weeks. The Hill Fire in Ventura County is now fully contained. Follow: