Pasadena restaurants fight for their place at the table

Share: Pie and Burger is a charming small restaurant in Pasadena that has been serving since 1963. The restaurant specializes in its classic California hamburgers and top-rated pies, and has received various awards in the past years. Due to the pandemic, however, the restaurant has been having to deal with constant changes in regulations. Local restaurants are facing uncertainty and anguish during COVID times and have been impacted dramatically. Follow:

Black History Month celebrations flourish despite pandemic

Share: Students sit in a Zoom waiting room, anticipating the Show Your Grit event to begin. They arrive little by little, each entrance announced with a pleasant jingle on their computer screens, instead of the greetings of hello that they might be accustomed to. Although the occasion was shared through computer screens, the triumph of black heritage between the students and staff shone through. Follow:

Houston, we have snow problems

Share: Winter clutched Texas with a frigid steel grip, digging its arctic talons into the state’s power infrastructures. Its wrath cast a permafrost over the residents’ already deepening electricity supply crisis. The arctic rampage crept up upon Texas’s water mains and pipes by freezing them solid or ruptured into oblivion. Millions of Texans were forced to deal with loss of power and heat as well as the fear of a severed water supply. Follow:

“Judas and The Black Messiah” does not betray viewers

Share: Racism, violence, betrayal, and guilt are all in this thrilling rated R movie of Fred Hampton. “Judas and The Black Panther” realistically portrays how easily people show their true colors by betraying someone. Throughout the movie, the violence and gunfights between the police officers and the Black Panthers are very evident. Even when the Black Panthers or any black citizens were minding their business, they would get racial slurs or get hurt badly by police officers.  “Judas and The Black Messiah” first shows O’Neal, …