Board of Trustees Meeting: April 5, 2017

Share: Approval of request for reduced teaching service with full STRS Credit Approve/ additional compensation for Academic Personnel AS introduced themselves in front of Board of Trustees, informed them about future Washington DC trips. Focusing on movements to increase college affordability by fixing home and food insecurities. Shower facilities for homeless students approved AS board pulled out “Standards of Student Conduct” because it’s something that can be passed under AS authorization   Requests more time to talk about this policy A.S-T Film, Television and Electronic …

Lancers’ Lives: Teamwork makes the film work

Share: Laila Hajjali is 28 years old and has two film certificates of achievement in cinematography and film production from PCC. Laila is producer and owner of White Pants Productions, a production company born out of PCC, and continues to work for PCC in their videography and editing department. She actively enlists students to work on her film projects; her most recent project is with PCC student Zack Peter, Sibling Warrior, a documentary film about his family’s approach to his brother’s autism through resources provided …

Associated Students Meeting: March 29, 2017

Share: The Health Center announced there will be movie night next Thursday, April 6th. The Hunting Ground is about college students who have been raped on campus and who face retaliation as they fight for justice. Also, they said they are planning a suicide prevention training for students and staff in the near future (no details). On April 5th, at 6pm, the AS will have a joint meeting with the B.O.T. On April 12 the AS will hold their meeting at the Rosemead campus. Student …

Associated Students: Resolutions Report

Share: SB-6, AB-21, and SB-68: Undocumented students SB-68 seeks to overturn an existing law which exempts all students who have spent 3 or more years at any combination of California schools from paying out-of-state tuition, with the exception of non-immigrant aliens. SB-6 requires the Department of Social Services to reach out to non-profit organizations that provide legal services and provide them with funding. This funding will be prioritized for assisting Veterans, people eligible for the Deferred Actions for Childhood Arrivals program, individuals who have a …