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            While the nearly undefeated Lancer badminton team has had a phenomenal season, it wasn’t with out some help from a strong support system, including student helper Faiez Mazlan.

            Twenty-two – year – old business major Mazlan has been playing badminton since he was 12. “It’s a big sport in Malaysia. They always play in the Olympics,” he said.

Born and raised in Malaysia, Mazlan was second choice to compete for the Malaysian junior national badminton team.

            Mazlan stopped playing when he finished high school, and played soccer for three years. “It was fun, but it’s not badminton,” he said with a smile.

Mazlan moved to the U.S. at 17 and began his studies at PCC. He has been competing individually, winning medals such as second place in the San Gabriel Valley’s men’s signature for the Spring Swing.  In 2009, he created the badminton club on campus.

“I wanted to keep playing. Coach Sanchez and I met in one of his classes and he gave me an opportunity to help the team out,” Mazlan said.

            Badminton Coach Bill Sanchez was delighted to have Mazlan assist the team. “He’s a nice kid who’s always willing to help, especially when I can’t,” Sanchez said. He is grateful for Mazlan’s patience with the players as well. “He’s very calm with the beginning players, and they appreciate it,” Sanchez said.

            Freshman player Alyssa Boyt, undecided, was grateful to have a strong support system, including Mazlan. “This is the first time I’ve picked up a racket. It’s been an honor to practice and learn from skilled people like Faiez,” she said enthusiastically, “And he’s really great at helping Gabby and I at doubles.”

            Nursing major Gabriella Angani, Boyt’s doubles partner, explained she had learned much from Mazlan this past season. “He gives a lot of support, and helps me learn tricks to beat the competition. [Mazlan’s] badminton tricks are what make him a great player,” she chuckled.

The most important thing Angani learned, however, was perseverance. “Because he was so patient with me, he helped me believe I could do my best,” she said.

            Mazlan continues to compete in badminton club matches and plans to go to the Olympics in London this summer to watch the badminton team compete.

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