Op-Ed: College seeks brave soul for difficult position

Share: One of the most important duties of a public relations director is to communicate with the press and other outlets in order to publish new information in a timely manner and to manage relationships with media outlets while making the organization in question look good. During the last year, those responsibilities were not consistently executed. Interim Director of Public Relations Valerie Wardlaw has moved on after a year at the position. She took on the position during one of the most controversial times for …

British passport law steps in right direction

Share: British Prime Minister David Cameron proposed a new law that could revoke passports of individuals suspected of flying to the Middle East to support the “poisonous ideology of Islamic extremism” of ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria. After an estimated 500 British citizens flew to the Middle East to fight alongside similar groups, British Parliament introduced anti-terrorism measures to prevent suspected citizens from reentering the country and even temporary flight bans. Follow: