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Students, faculty, and residents of nearby cities assembled together in front of the Mirror Pools at PCC to form a human chain in an effort to raise funds for scholarships for California’s community college students on April 17. The event was one of several that were held throughout the state in support of Hands Across California, in an attempt to reach out to communities for the purpose of awareness and fundraising. Participants were encouraged to submit a donation of $10 via text message and to meet at their local, designated area to link arms with other participants.

Student representative Daniela Rueda, 22, business administration, arranged the event and ensured that it was promoted through various outlets including Lancer Radio, board meetings, and videos on YouTube. Ultimately, she hoped people would learn of the event from other students speaking out on campus. “We promoted the event in many ways and with assistance from committees under Associated Students, but most people heard of this by word of mouth,” said Rueda.

Promotional shirts and banners were distributed by Rueda. In addition to text message donations, the shirts could also be purchased for $10 in support of the Foundation for California Community Colleges, hoping to fund a $100 million endowment to help support college students.

Participants remained optimistic throughout the event and hoped to let the student voice be heard.

“This [event] is mainly to raise awareness. It is historical. People need to know that they cannot take money away from us,” said Jorge Carrillo, 19, mathematics.

The spectacle was not limited to members of the Pasadena area, as students took notice of participants joining them from other cities.

“I think it is good to stand as a symbol for something we believe in. There is solidarity among PCC students and also students from other schools, like Santa Monica College, that came today,” said Ali Oligny, 23, English.

As participants formed a line facing Colorado Boulevard, clad in blue shirts with the Hands Across California logo and holding banners, they anticipated for the 2 p.m. mark, which indicated the time to hold hands with fellow supporters of the event. When the time was announced, the human chain chanted and yelled, generating honks from drivers who passed the campus.

“My students contacted me about this event and I just think that it is very important that we support community colleges. That is why I came out in support with my family,” said business law instructor Carol Kellogg.

Students gather and joins hands in front of the Mirror Pools for a Hands Across California benefit on April 17. (Louis C. Cheung)

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