Former AGS President Makes Crown City His Own

Hanna Petro is always on time. That Germanic timeliness has served the 20-year-old Middle Eastern and North African studies major well over the last couple of semesters, whether he was cutting out time for his duties as vice-chair of the Academic Commission or corralling AGS Honor Society members to volunteer for the PCC flea market with a stentorian voice as club president.

Prop 8 Ruling Divides California

The California Supreme Court’s 6-1 decision upholds Proposition 8’s ban on same-sex marriage while maintaining that the marriages of the estimated 18,000 same-sex couples who wed prior to last November, prior to the ban, remain valid. The result of this decision is contradictory and gives rise to inequality by dividing California’s citizens into three separate groups under the law, each with different access to a valid marriage.