EDITORIAL: Robinson Field is a Liability

With a rotting scoreboard, fence penetrating undergrowth, and discarded aging rubbish waiting to welcoming any visitors, Robinson Field, named in honor of former PCC athlete and Major League Baseball legend Jackie Robinson, is no field of dreams. In its current condition, those who make their way to the PCC baseball team’s home park would be more likely to call it a field of nightmares.

Lancer Radio Reaches Spanish Speakers with El Empujón

PCC Lancer Radio’s first ever student-led Spanish-speaking program has gained ratings, as it seeks to become a voice for the Latino community on campus.The aim of El Empujón (The Push) is to encourage students of all Spanish-speaking descent to advance in their education and to provide “information to survive,” according to Christian Garcia, the 27-year-old host of the program, who initially approached his professor with the idea.