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The front runners in the Democratic primary, John Edwards, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, all have one thing in common: their plans for education are misleading.However, there’s some good amongst the bad. once you cut through the fat.

Edwards has the only near-solid agenda with his “College For Everyone” plan, offering one-year of free tuition to people attending public colleges who work part-time.

Clinton says she will increase the annual PELL grant if elected. Legislation in ’06 was already passed, however, to increase the grant annually from $4,050 to $5,800 through 2011 – coincidently falling into three of the four years of the next presidential term.

But she still has some legitimate educational plans, including the doubling of the HOPE tax credit.

Obama’s plans on the other hand are vague at best.

He says he will add a new $4,000 tax credit, but the details are ambiguous.

Obama’s primary focus is on remedying the problems with the K-12 education system, – leaving out college students, as well as college voters, putting them in the dust.

Though Clinton is the front-runner in the Democratic primary, John Edwards has the best over-all plan for college affordability.

But by all means, vote for Hillary. unless you like reading fine print.

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